In writing where my thoughts take me, I traveled to the Central Settlements today. The Central Settlements are the “civilized” part of the Undercity. They have the most control, the most order, and of course, the most oppression. Today, I wrote up an overview of the Central Settlements, giving some details on the people and their practices. It is a very broad strokes look, and does not give any details as to specific individuals or settlements.
I like the feel that the Central Settlements have. They are safe, but that safety comes at the cost of the quite a bit of personal freedom. There are a lot of good stories that can be told in such an area, and the Central Settlements work well to provide a contrast with the freedom and savagery of Mid-Depth and the Depp Caverns.
The new info on the Central Settlements can be found in the wiki, as per usual. I wonder where my thoughts will take me tomorrow?